Chunky Monkey!

January 24, 2010

A bit overdue, but here are some recent pics of Des.  He’s getting big!  At his 2 month appointment he was measuring in the 75 percentile for both weight and height– a bit of a chunker but those cheeks couldn’t but cuter if you ask me!! 

We’re in the process of moving, which is a bit more difficult with a little one, but we’re excited for Des to have his own room, and a nursery to decorate to boot.  I’ll take pictures once we’re settled, which may be a few weeks at this rate.  For now, enjoy these shots!  Check out Des and his buddy River… they haven’t quite discovered each other aside from a few odd looks here and there.  We’re waiting for them to be friends.  Note that River was actually born three days before Desi, but clearly isn’t as large and in charge.

Hope all is well with everyone– we miss you!

We’re Still Here!

January 1, 2010

We’ve been very neglectful of the blog, and for all 4 loyal readers we apologize.  To make up for it, here are some pictures over the past few weeks– he is growing up quickly!  We had a great December making the drive from Santa Barbara to Corvallis, then to Seattle and back down to Oregon.  It was so great to show the little guy off and let him meet all our friends and family that we love so much.  Desi’s first Christmas was very fun, although he won’t remember I know we will.  Both the dog and Desi did great in the car- no complaints!  We even made the drive back in one long day (16+ hours but it was nice to be back in our own bed!).  It was very much worth the trip and are very thankful to our families for all their help with him- we even got to go to a movie and out to dinner one night (not in the same day– that would be a little too much time away from him).

We wish everyone a great 2010 and will try to post more often– at least every few weeks to show his progress.  We are still very much in love with Des, and like most parents, think he is the smartest, cutest little man around.  Only I am pretty sure we’re right.

Enjoy the photos- some video of Tummy Time to come soon!